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Pyrgus upperside photos (all 13) Pyrgus underside photos (all 13) Pyrgus uppersides chart
Pyrgus undersides chart ("the 7") Pyrgus undersides chart ("other 7") Pyrgus observations
  marginal s1/2 marginal s4/5 discal s1 discal s2 discal s3 discal s4/7 basal s1 basal s4/5 basal s7 gc veins
andromedae amorphous marks, not strong or solid weak amorphous mark prominent round spot blank - diagnostic smallish mark non-regular, wider in s5, narrow in s6/7 white streak narrow and pointed at external end weak smallish amorphous mark rectangular mark olive-brown to dirty yellowish  
cacaliae amorphous marks, not strong or solid amorphous mark prominent round spot blank - diagnostic thin amorphous mark non-regular, wider in s5, narrow in s6/7 long thin rounded mark blank - characteristic rounded rectangular mark grey to dirty grey-brown  
carthami complete white margin broken only by veins two symmetrical tooth-shaped marks in S4/5 small round mark small round mark clear but thin mark not regular, constricted at v5 roundish elongated mark amorphous white mark large roundish mark yellow-grey border and pale spots bordered with dark grey
malvae amorphous marks but strong clear mark, clearly separated by v5 rounded spot, slightly leaning small round spot largely unmarked narrowish, s4/5 cleft rounded externally small round spot small round spot small round spot darker brown veins clearly visible
sidae continuous wide white band from s1 to s7, slightly narrower at s4/5  large white marks of broadly equal width  large and broadly rectangular narrow and flat wide and broadly rectangular broadly rectangular, external edge often angled white, two yellow bands either side of the discal band veins narrow and black. marks black edged
warrenensis amorphous and weak   large, slightly rounded, non-leaning     medium width, regular rectangular, straight-edged     wide and broadly rectangular