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Ringlet_(Aphantopus hyperantus) | Brown Argus_(Aricia agestis) | Cranberry Fritillary_(Boloria aquilonaris) | Chequered Skipper_(Carterocephalus palaemon) |
Spanish Fritillary_(Euphydryas desfontainii) | Woodland Grayling_(Hipparchia fagi) | Nettle-tree Butterfly_(Libythea celtis) | Purple-shot Copper_(Lycaena alciphron) |
Sage Skipper_(Muschampia proto) | Gavarnie Blue_(Plebejus pyrenaicus) | Chapman's Blue_(Polyommatus thersites) | Ilex Hairstreak_(Satyrium ilicis) |
Ringlet_(Aphantopus hyperantus)_51187_male_Pyrénées-Orientales_5Jul23 next image return to grid home page
Brown Argus_(Aricia agestis)_51103_female_Gard_1Jul23 next image return to grid home page
Cranberry Fritillary_(Boloria aquilonaris)_51690_female_Loire_16Jul23 next image return to grid home page
Chequered Skipper_(Carterocephalus palaemon)_50661_male_Cher_18May23 next image return to grid home page
Spanish Fritillary_(Euphydryas desfontainii)_50789_female_Aude_20May23 next image return to grid home page
Woodland Grayling_(Hipparchia fagi)_51475_female_Lozère_12Jul23 next image return to grid home page
Nettle-tree Butterfly_(Libythea celtis)_51001_male_Var_7Jun23 next image return to grid home page
Purple-shot Copper_(Lycaena alciphron)_51544_pair_Lozère_13Jul23 next image return to grid home page
Sage Skipper_(Muschampia proto)_51891_female_Bouches-du-Rhône_2Sep23 next image return to grid home page
Gavarnie Blue_(Plebejus pyrenaicus)_51409_male_Hautes-Pyrénées_10Jul23 next image return to grid home page
Chapman's Blue_(Polyommatus thersites)_51112_pair_Pyrénées-Orientales_2Jul23 next image return to grid home page
Ilex Hairstreak_(Satyrium ilicis)_51027_female_Var_17Jun23 return to grid home page