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High Brown Fritillary_(Argynnis adippe) Scarce Swallowtail_(Iphiclides podalirius) Scotch Argus_(Erebia aethiops) Amanda's Blue_(Polyommatus amandus)
Map_(Araschnia levana) Silver-washed Fritillary_(Argynnis paphia) Large Wall_(Lasiommata maera) Provençal Fritillary_(Melitaea deione)
Blue-spot Hairstreak_(Satyrium spini) Spanish Fritillary_(Euphydryas desfontainii) Pale Clouded Yellow_(Colias hyale) Dusky Large Blue_(Phengaris nausithous)
Reverdin's Blue_(Plebejus argyrognomon) Marsh Fritillary_(Euphydryas aurinia beckeri) Swallowtail_(Papilio machaon) Oriental Meadow Brown_(Hyponephele lupina)


High Brown Fritillary_(Argynnis adippe)_49761_female_Hautes-Alpes_9Jul22         next image        return to grid        home page


Scarce Swallowtail_(Iphiclides podalirius)_49917_male_Isère_15Jul22         next image        return to grid        home page


Scotch Argus_(Erebia aethiops)_50218_male_Côte-d'Or_26Jul22         next image        return to grid        home page


Amanda's Blue_(Polyommatus amandus)_49537_female_Alpes-Maritimes_2Jul22         next image        return to grid        home page


Map_(Araschnia levana)_50091_female_Puy-de-Dome_21Jul22         next image        return to grid        home page


Silver-washed Fritillary_(Argynnis paphia)_49354_female_Var_8Jun22         next image        return to grid        home page


Large Wall_(Lasiommata maera)_50504_female_Var_31Aug22         next image        return to grid        home page


Provençal Fritillary_(Melitaea deione)_49180_pair_Aude_18May22         next image        return to grid        home page


Blue-spot Hairstreak_(Satyrium spini)_49409_female_Var_20Jun22         next image        return to grid        home page


Spanish Fritillary_(Euphydryas desfontainii)_49120_female_Aude_17May22         next image        return to grid        home page


Pale Clouded Yellow_(Colias hyale)_50342_female_Côte-d'Or_26Aug22         next image        return to grid        home page


Dusky Large Blue_(Phengaris nausithous)_50159_female_Isère_23Jul22         next image        return to grid        home page


Reverdin's Blue_(Plebejus argyrognomon)_50256_female_Côte-d'Or_26Jul22         next image        return to grid        home page


Marsh Fritillary_(Euphydryas aurinia beckeri)_49149_female_Aude_17May22         next image        return to grid        home page


Swallowtail_(Papilio machaon)_50411_sex?_Côte-d'Or_27Aug22         next image        return to grid        home page


Oriental Meadow Brown_(Hyponephele lupina)_49676_male_Hautes-Alpes_7Jul22          return to grid        home page