A few photographs of moths taken over the years.


Click on any image to enlarge (images 1200 pixel width), then scroll through the enlarged gallery or return to this grid. Return to home page.


For anyone with a 4K screen, there is a full-width image of the Oleander hawk-moth at the base of the page. Click here.


Cream-spot Tiger (Arctia villica)_29512

Oleander Hawk-moth (Daphnis nerii) 42270_pupa

Oleander Hawk-moth (Daphnis nerii)_42282

Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth (Hemaris fuciformis)_5692

Ghost moth (Hepialus humuli)_42017

Striped Hawk-moth (Hyles livornica)_7020

Striped Hawk-moth (Hyles livornica)_7048

(no English name) (Hyles vespertilio)_35699

Humming-bird Hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum)_26724

Oak Hawk-moth (Marumba quercus)_43509 Scarlet Tiger (Callimorpha dominula)_44067 Small Elephant Hawk-moth (Deilphila porcellus)_43370
Spanish Moon Moth (Graellsia isabellae)_49208      


Cream-spot Tiger (Arctia villica_29512)    next image        return to grid        home page


Oleander Hawk-moth (Daphnis nerii_42270) pupa    next image        return to grid        home page


Oleander Hawk-moth (Daphnis nerii_42282)    next image        return to grid        home page


Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth (Hemaris fuciformis_5692)    next image        return to grid        home page


Ghost moth (Hepialus humuli_42017)    next image        return to grid        home page


Striped Hawk-moth (Hyles livornica_7020)    next image        return to grid        home page


Striped Hawk-moth (Hyles livornica_7048)    next image        return to grid        home page


(no English name) (Hyles vespertilio_35699)     next image        return to grid        home page


Humming-bird Hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum_26724)     next image    return to grid        home page


Oak Hawk-moth (Marumba quercus)_43509    next image    return to grid        home page


Scarlet Tiger (Callimorpha dominula)_44067    next image    return to grid        home page


Small Elephant Hawk-moth (Deilphila porcellus)_43370 next image return to grid home page


Spanish Moon Moth (Graellsia isabellae)_49208    return to grid     home page


Oleander Hawk-moth (Daphnis nerii_42282) - 3500 pixel width    return to grid        home page