Spanish Purple Hairstreak (Laeosopis roboris)

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2024 photographs highlighted in yellow. Click on any photograph to go to an enlarged picture, or simply scroll down the page.

6101_male_Var_29May07 49277_male_Var_3Jun22 6258_female_Var_1Jun07 32566_female_Var_8Jun13
45162_female_Var_5Jun18 48389_female_Pyrénées-Orientales_12Jul21 49327_male_Var_8Jun22 48386_female_Pyrénées-Orientales_12Jul21
45176_female_Var_5Jun18 37458_female_Var_1Jun15 35361_female_Var_11Jun14 35362_female_Var_11Jun14

A rather localised species, basically Spanish (as you might expect) although its range extends eastwards into southern France, as is often the case with principally Iberian species. It is (allegedly, see later) only found near Ash trees (Fraxinus angustifolia) (the larval hostplant) and near water. It is not unlike the Purple Hairstreak (Favonius quercus) in that the female has less purple on the upperside than the male, and the female also has more prominent uph submarginal blue spots in s1-3. The female underside is also slightly more heavily marked. It (allegedly) tends to disappear into the higher branches by mid-afternoon, so the morning is the best time to look for it.

Until 2009 I had only found it at one site in Var where the flight period was end-May to mid-June although I found that most specimens were showing serious signs of wear by 7 June.

It was found there regularly every year although in limited numbers. However, in late June 2008 I visited a site I had visited frequently in early spring and found roboris present, nowhere near water and no obvious Ash trees in the vicinity. A similar visit in 2009 produced roboris in large numbers, where fifty or more could have been counted nectaring in the afternoon, and that may have only been the tip of the iceberg. In 2012 I found it at three more locations, so it may be more widespread than originally thought; it is somewhat sedentary and probably under-recorded.


This species was previously known as Laeosopis evippus.


A superb video of the life-cycle of roboris has been produced by Filming VarWild and can be viewed on YouTube here:

ref sex


alt. m
6101 M

a male, with extensive purple patches on the upf. Its pose, at the edge of a bush and looking outwards, is typically territorial, ready to chase off any males that strayed into its territory.

49277 M a male, on the basis of the extent of the upperside blue-purple patches, although the difference in extent between the sexes is rather less for roboris than it is for quercus. 200
6258 F

a female, with a limited basal blue-purple patch on the upf and only a few blue scales just visible on the uph. The uph marginal blue marks are quite large and extensive compared to the male in 6101, strangely given that the male has more extensive patches in the basal area.

32566 F a very fresh female, the blackness of the upperside ground colour sets off the blue scales very nicely. 30
45162 F a female, opening up in a spell of cloudy weather. 45176 is the underside. 200
48389 F a female, nectaring on an Umbellifer. 48386 is the upperside. 1360
49327 M a male, based on the lighter and greyer ground colour, the less curvature of the forewing margin and the apparently territorial pose. 200
48386 F a female, opening up very briefly. 48389 is the underside. 1360
45176 F a female, the underside of 45162. It was resting in a cloudy spell, whereas in sunny conditions they seem to nectar constantly. 200
37458 F a female. 200
35361 F a female. 200
35362 F a female, egg-laying on a twig of Ash. 200
25984 F? a female, based on the end of the abdomen. It is difficult to get a shot at the right angle to the light to show the marginal marks of roboris to best effect. 450

























