Scarce Copper (Lycaena virgaureae)

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2024 photographs highlighted in yellow. Click on any photograph to go to an enlarged picture, or simply scroll down the page.

23154_male_Valais, Switzerland_26Jul10 8453_male_Valais, Switzerland_22Jul07 18613_male_Isère_14Jul09 43742_male_Lozère_02Jul17
44434_female_Alpes-Maritimes_17Jul17 44550_female_Alpes-Maritimes_18Jul17 3117_female_Alpes-Maritimes_25Jul06 22957_female_Valais, Switzerland_24Jul10
23218_female_Valais, Switzerland_26Jul10 39148_female_Hautes-Pyrénées_24Jul15 42008_female_Savoie_25Jul16 47540_female_Alpes-Maritimes_19Jul20
38248_male_Hautes-Alpes_8Jul15 49521_male_Alpes-Maritimes_2Jul22 47529_female_Alpes-Maritimes_19Jul20 26603_female_Alpes-Maritimes_08Jul11

A breathtakingly beautiful mountain butterfly. The burning red-orange male upperside, especially in fresh specimens (most visible in 18613), makes this one of the most strikingly coloured butterflies, the orange framed by jet black margins which extend slightly along the veins, and small marginal spots on the uph which are usually joined to the margins. The male virgaureae is superficially very similar to the male of the high altitude subspecies eurydame of the Purple-edged Copper (L. hippothoe). The female is marked in the "usual" female copper pattern.

The underside is quite distinctive, with a row of black-centred white spots of varying size in the unh post-discal band. It’s name is completely inaccurate as it isn’t scarce at altitude, and in many areas it is quite common.


In the higher reaches of the southern Alpes, the subspecies montanus occurs. The male has wider black borders and the female has rather suffused markings.

ref sex


alt. m
23154 M

a male, probably of the subspecies montanus, judging by the width of the black borders.

8453 M

a male, also very probably of the subspecies montanus, for the same reason as 23154.

18613 M

a male, perhaps showing a little more of the fiery orange colour that makes this butterfly so spectacular in flight. This is probably of the nominate species, not the subspecies montanus.

43742 M a very fresh male, similar to others on this page, although the fiery red-orange is particularly extensive at the basal region. Any photograph cannot do justice to how dazzling this species looks in the field. 1340
44434 F a female, a strong orange-red ground colour and quite heavy markings. 1550
44550 F a female, a much lighter appearance with a pale orange ground colour, even though the black markings are just as heavy as 44434. 1550
3117 F

a standard female of the nominate species, slightly lighter markings than indicated in the books.

22957 F

a very dusky female of the subspecies montanus, with heavily suffused markings.

23218 F

a female of the subspecies montanus, described in T&L as "variant" (whatever that means).

39148 F a female, fairly typical. 1600
42008 F a female, rather darker then 39148, but not as dusky as 22957. 1400
47540 F a female, immaculate, perhaps freshly emerged. Stunning. 47529 is the underside - this was the photograph taken first, then as the sun's rays appeared, it opened up into this pose. 1400
38248 M a male underside, with rather lightly marked white spots. 1230
49521 M a male underside, known to be a male from a view of the upperside, as the undersides of both sexes are very similar. 1550
47529 F a female, the underside of 47540. Just as stunning as the upperside. 1400
26603 F a female underside, by contrast extremely red. 1400


23154_male_Valais, Switzerland_26Jul10


8453_male_Valais, Switzerland_22Jul07












22957_female_Valais, Switzerland_24Jul10


23218_female_Valais, Switzerland_26Jul10













